Young Masters
Eligibility: Texas 8th to 11th grade students (or homeschooled students who have achieved a comparable status towards high school graduation) who are legal US and Texas residents
Intent: To advance the creative economy of Texas by investing in the future of the arts.
This competitive program awards grants to talented young artists to further their studies in their chosen field. This grant is not a college scholarship. The most talented young artists will receive the title of Young Master and will be awarded grants of up to $5,000 per year to further their studies in their chosen arts disciplines. Students are eligible to receive the grant for up to two years, but not beyond their senior year in high school, and they must reapply annually. Students must be participating in a school-based arts program, summer institute, a specialized course of study, or receiving private lessons from a qualified instructor. Students must maintain passing grades in all academic areas. Applications will be from the student, their parent/guardian, and their arts instructor. This program is available every other year.
Grant Type: Multi-year
Application Limit: One
Request Limit: $5,000 per year, up to two years
Match Requirement: Not applicable
Application Deadline: November 1 of odd-numbered years
Attachments Deadline: November 1 of odd-numbered years
Criteria: see Application Review Criteria
Click here for ineligible requests