Grantee Responsibilities
Revised Budget
For certain grant programs, a revised budget may be required to demonstrate how the TCA award will be expended within the budget. A form for the revised budget will be provided to the grantee with a deadline. The form must be completed and submitted by the date stated in the notification letter. Failure to submit this revised budget by the due date will result in cancellation of the grant.
Contracts and Compliance
All TCA grantees are contractually obligated to the State of Texas upon receipt of funds. As part of their contractual relationship with the Commission and part of their services to the citizens of Texas, grantees will comply with federal, state and TCA requirements.
Contract amendments are made under limited circumstances. If an amendment is desired, the grantee must submit a detailed request in writing as soon as possible. Any amendment must be approved by TCA.
Legislative Notification
Organizations that receive a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts are required to send a thank you letter to their State Representative and State Senator notifying them of the services, programs and work the award will help to support. Copies of these two letters must be submitted to the TCA before grant funds will be released.
A credit line and/or TCA logo must appear in all published materials and announcements regarding the funded activity. For example: "This project is supported in part by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts." The TCA logo is available on the TCA website.
If applicable, the grantee must acknowledge other funding partners of TCA. In this case, crediting instructions will be included with award notification and/or payment.
Payment is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of TCA requirements which may include submission of a revised budget, submission of fully executed contracts, receipts, completed report forms for current or past grant awards, copies of legislative thank-you letters, and satisfactory completion of TCA site visit action items. Payments will be made based on available funds. The Texas Commission on the Arts and State Comptroller's Office prefer that awards be paid by direct deposit.
Reporting Requirements
Thirty days after the contract ending date, the grantee must submit a complete report that details the use of funds, income sources, an assessment of activities, and the statistical outcomes of the program or project, including one or two quality images.
Documentation such as financial statements, reviews, and promotional materials complete the report but are kept at the grantee’s offices. Failure to submit the report is a breach of contract with the State of Texas. Any grantee that does not submit the required report within ninety days after the ending date of the contract will be reported to the Texas Attorney General for final resolution through legal action.
Any pending or future grants are contingent upon the satisfactory resolution of report forms.
Report Rating System
Staff members conduct a review of all grant reports. Points are given for problems associated with the report. A delineation of points awarded is available upon request. The subsequent rating is used to assess risk and determine the need for a site visit.
Site Visits
Periodically, TCA staff will conduct in-person or video conference site visits with constituents.
- Grant Monitoring Site Visit
During this type of site visit, TCA staff reviews the financial records kept for grants received. The report forms submitted to TCA are the basis for the review, and the grantee must show copies of checks, bank statements, and/or other financial documentation that support the expenditure line items on the report form. Information on managing your grant is included in grantees’ online accounts as an aid to help an organization set up its grant files and record keeping system to facilitate this visit. Any pending or future grants are contingent on the satisfactory outcome of the monitoring visit and on resolution of any inaccuracies found in the report form. - Programmatic Site Visit
During this type of site visit, TCA staff select arts organizations to assess the artistic programming and community involvement of an event or program. Attendance at performances, exhibitions, and other funded activities may be required in this assessment.
Program & Facility Access

Making the arts accessible to all people is a priority of the Texas Commission on the Arts.
One of the conditions to which organizations agree in accepting a Texas Commission on the Arts grant is assuring that their programs and the facilities in which their programs are presented are accessible to people with disabilities.
The regulations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008 prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in employment (Title I), state and local government services (Title II), and places of public accommodation and commercial facilities (Title III). (42 U.S.C. 12101-12213). Every nonprofit organization is a beneficiary of Federal Financial Aid, therefore they must be able to provide accommodations when people with disabilities make requests for services.
Accessibility involves both the location (the facility) and the content (the activity or product) of the program. Costs associated with accessibility improvements may be included as part of a TCA grant; however, capital improvements, bricks and mortar, and the purchase of permanent equipment are not allowed except for Cultural District Project and Designated Funding/Commission Initiatives grants.
Technical assistance is available for organizations that have questions or seek to make their programs and facilities accessible. Contact TCA's ADA Coordinator at 512/463-5535 to request more info. More information is also available on the TCA website.